Top 20 Questions for Amazon Technical Interview

Top 20 Questions for Amazon Technical Interview

Interviewing Posted by: GradSiren
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Amazon is one the dream job company for all of us. Also, offers tremendous job opportunities in the technical field.  In this fierce competition, it’s not much easy to crack the Amazon Technical Interview. Why because which is one of the best technologies using retailer company in the world. Moreover, the largest company mainly depends on technology. By using the latest technology, the e-commerce company wants to deliver the goods directly to the person by using drones. In future, they Amazon also planning to deliver a battery for electric cars with these drones.
It’s not wondering if someone is looking for an entry level job in Amazon that too in a technical field. Even they do give a chance for recent graduates to prove themselves in this tech world. While coming to reality, it’s hard-hitting to crack the job interview in this place. However, for GradSiren people not anymore, why because we gathered & placed the frequently asked technical Interview questions here.

Amazon Technical Interview Process

As we all know about the Amazon Interview Process. After completion of written test candidate entered into this technical test. The technical round would be in different formats based on the position. These are the most possible three formats for the candidates offering by the Amazon.

  • Telephonic Interview
  • Coding test/Skill test
  • Onsite/In-person Interview round

Before hitting the technical interview try to cover these topics. It’s essential to understand well

  • Code organization
  • Speed in code updating
  • Algorithms
  • Data Structures
  • Simplicity in code organization

With all these points you can perform well, but for a technical job in Amazon, these are not just enough. Don’t be panic we are providing max to max information to crack this technical Interview.

Soft Start

  • Learning soft skills would be an excellent advantage for technical people. Try to begin the interview with cool starts, like self-introduction.
  • Cover your tech accomplishments & don’t be afraid if you could not complete all the personal details.
  • If it’s related to coding the interviewer will ask in that class based on the level of experience

Don’t be afraid to Ask

  • First, try to understand the interviewer’s question & know the requirements.
  • In a technical test, it’s advisable if you ask questions to the interviewer for a better outcome.
  • Even studies also prove that interviewers have a positive opinion on the candidate who asks questions for better output.

20 Questions to crack the Amazon technical Interview

All the above points will give you a clear idea about the technical Interview process at Amazon. Hope you also get a picture of the technical round. Along with these points, the below mentioned top 20 questions also help you to finish this round.

  1. What do you mean by hashing?
  2. What is the function of DML Compiler?
  3. State at least four kinds of indexing.
  4. Write a program to show whether a graph is a tree or not using adjacency matrix.
  5. What is the definition of tree?
  6. What are the differences between graph and tree?
  7. When can you say a graph to be a tree?
  8. What steps are taken when the OS shifts from one-thread execution to another?
  9. Given an array of strings, find if the given strings can be chained to form a circle. A string X can be put before another string Y in circle if the last character of X is same as first character of Y.
  10. Make a data structure and implement an algorithm to print all the files in a directory. (The root directory can have sub-directories too.)
  11. When can you say a graph to be a tree?
  12. Write a program to show whether a graph is a tree or not using adjacency matrix.
  13. Write a function that returns the length of the longest leaf-to-leaf path in a binary tree.
  14. Write a function that given a list of items and weights return a random item in the list taking the weights into account.
  15. Tell us an efficient data structure for minimizing the following operations if we have an array arr[0 . . . n-1].
  16. Why is it easy to collaborate on a document in person but hard on the web?
  17. Given two numbers represented by two linked lists, write a function that returns sum list.
  18. Convert Binary tree to linked list.
  19. Rotate a matrix by 90 degrees.
  20. For two very long numbers given, find the product of these numbers in an efficient way. Hint: using binary multiplication effectively.

Prepare these questions for the technical round. As well as try to learn soft skills & personality development questions for further help. Most of the tech students failed with the tiniest soft skills. The one who finished the Amazon Technical Interview, do prepare for the HR interview. Here it would be better if you showcased your some more hidden interests on you. In addition, multiple jobs are offered by fortune 500 companies in GradSiren apply them with one click.

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