Types of Entry-Level Mechanical Engineering Jobs
You don’t have to be a long-term professional engineer to get a job.
Here are some entry-level mechanical engineering jobs:
Mechanical Design Engineer
Product Quality Engineer
Automation Engineer
Test Engineer
Project Engineer
Sales Engineer
Salary Expectations
For entry-level mechanical engineers, the median salary is $63,792, with a median range of $49,430 – $81,029. Location plays a major role in how much you can expect to earn. The profession is expected to grow by about 5% over the next ten years, according to the Department of Labour.
Who gets these jobs?
We try to survey students and recent grads to better understand the job market. We’ve noticed that they have a few things in common:
At a minimum, they have received a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering or Product Design. On occasion, you may see the crossover from electrical engineering.
Many applicants pursue openings at mid-sized companies, and the most popular destinations for engineering grads are San Francisco, New York, Los Angeles, and San Diego. Mechanical engineers are career-oriented
Usually, they are career-oriented. Few mechanical engineers are looking for jobs other than those found under the Mechanical Engineering umbrella. Only 25% of graduating seniors have no internship experience, and approximately 45% have taken online courses.
Related Fields
Electrical Engineering
Computer Science
General Engineering
The information on this site is provided as a courtesy. GradSiren is not a career or legal advisor and does not guarantee job interviews or offers.
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